
Enjoy my random content and rambles as I stumble through life. 

Get Fit at Home: Setting Up Your Mom-Friendly Home Gym

Are you a busy mom looking to get in shape but don’t have time for the gym? Setting up your own home gym is the perfect solution! With functional fitness, you can create a fun and effective workout that fits into your lifestyle.   Having your own home gym will...

Embrace the Power of Choiceless Awareness: A Mindful Guide to No-Mind Living for Moms Over 35

Are you a mindful mom over 35 looking for an alternative way to stay in the present moment? Feeling overwhelmed with the never-ending demands of teenage kids, work responsibilities and your spouse's needs can take its toll on your overall wellbeing. Instead of...

Stay Fit on a Busy Schedule: 5 At-Home Workouts You Can Do Today

If you're like most people, you're busy.     You probably don't have time to go to the gym, and even if you did, it's tough to fit a workout into your busy schedule. That's why functional fitness is so great! You can do it at home, with minimal equipment. In...


Do you have the right mindset to get healthy?   While this might sound like an odd question it's kinda realistic. This year I made two trips to the Mayo Clinic and on the second trip, I stayed for three days to attend a clinic to understand and ACCEPT my...

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Orlando, FL

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